Chavez should take the oath and begin a new term on January 10, but not what has been seen or heard from him since he underwent on December 11 to a fourth operation related cancer that afflicts him. Vice President Nicolás Maduro, Chavez's favorite to succeed him if something happens, said the president had suffered complications related to a respiratory infection and that his condition was "delicate." If Chavez can not take the oath on January 10 before the Assembly National, the constitution stipulates that we must call elections within 30 days and in the meantime the president should exercise the National Assembly president. Similarly Cuban exiles cheered when Fidel Castro fell ill five years ago Venezuelans in Miami expect Chavez health disorders pave the way for a leadership change. In the 14 years since Chavez in power, however, Venezuelans who have left their country have adapted to the United States and most would not return to their country, at least in the short term, if the president dies. "Calculation that 70% would stay here, "said Ernesto Ackerman, president of the nonprofit organization Citizens Independent Venezuelan-American. "They're too settled." Over 189,000 Venezuelan immigrants living in the U.S., including 91,000 in Florida, according to the national census. The largest concentration occurs in southern Florida, in communities like Doral and Weston, now called "Doralzuela" and "Westonzuela" by the amount of Venezuelan shops, where you can eat dishes like arepas and capachas. Most are came because they disagree with Chavez's socialist government, were frightened by the number of kidnappings and murders, or thought they had a better economic future in the United States, but many have relatives in Venezuela and travel home to see their families or business. "They have lost their identity Venezuelan" said Thomas Boswell, professor of geography at Miami University. "They have not completely assimilated, but quickly adapted to life in the United States." In some ways, these communities are what Little Havana was for Cubans who arrived after the 1959 communist revolution.
The parallels abound: The first wave of immigrants was middle class and upper-settled professionals with varying degrees of success. Both communities felt that their stay would be temporary and then realized that last much longer than initially expected and the two retain a great affection for their country. But the similarities end there. Chavez was democratically elected and re-elected several times, while Castro came to power in an armed revolution and while Cubans have benefited from an immigration policy which basically allows you to stay in the country to any Cuban who sets foot on U.S. soil, Venezuelans not have the same privileges, but anyway many have become naturalized. "We have to see what happened (with the Cubans) and draw lessons, but they are two very different situations," said Ackerman, the director of the Venezuelan organization Americans. Venezuelans in Miami launched a campaign to encourage voting last year and organized bus trips by car to New Orleans when Chavez closed the consulate of South Florida. Many believed that Capriles could win and were disappointed when he lost. "Right now the community feels very, very depressed about what happened in the last election," said Ackerman.
"They say this is not going to go on forever, we should become citizens of the United States." That's what I think Bridgitte Jaffe, who left Venezuela in 2007. Homeownership and there was an estate agent, but he watched every day the situation in the country deteriorated and increased agitation. now works in the field of real estate in South Florida and also has its own department. He says he will stay, regardless of what happens with Chavez. "When you come and start working and have kids here, do not come back," said Jaffe. Doral has only recently with the first Venezuelan Florida mayor, Luigi Boria , who says that most of the people who voted think so. "I think my country is the United States now," said Boria, who came in 1989. Venezuelans say maybe celebrate the death of Chavez, but is unlikely to be mass demonstrations of joy, as when Fidel Castro ceded power to his brother Raul due to health problems in 2008. Like the Cubans, Venezuelans believe that there will be significant changes in the short term. "I feel relieved" if Chavez leave power, Sollami said. "I think things would improve soon in Venezuela."
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